Dr. Kyriazis is one of Britain’s top anti-aging physicians and is internationally recognised as a pioneer in the field. He is a bio-gerontologist with a medical degree and postgraduate degrees from King’s College, London and the Royal College of Physicians. He has...
Stage 1: Melatonin tablets: 3mg to 6mg at bedtime. Melatonin helps to rebalance the circadian rhythms (the day-night cycle), as a result deeper REM sleep is improved and the individual feels more refreshed the following day. Remember that light entering the eye...
Stage 1: Biostim tablets: 1 mg. 2 times a day for 8-days, a 3-week break. Then 1 mg. a day for 8-days followed by a further 3-week break, finally 1 mg. a day for 8-days. This cycle can last for up to 12-months, although if you are very prone to infections it may be...
Stage 1: Melatonin tablets: To overcome jet-lag, melatonin is best taken at approximately 10pm to 12pm of the time of the destination for a few days before your flight. For example if you are flying from New York to London (with a 5-hour time difference in advance),...
Don’t let your vision age Eye sight is clearly one of the most important senses that we possess and if we were somehow forced to have to do without one or more of our senses, eye-sight would probably be the one that would be most “missed.” As we age a number of...
Stage 1: 5HTP capsules: One capsule (50mg) 1 to 3 times daily, ideally taken with food. 5HTP or 5-hydroxy-tryptophan is the most potent form of tryptophan that is exclusively used by the brain. As the direct precursor to serotonin 5HTP can elevate its levels and thus...