By Walter Pierpaoli and Vladimir A. Lesnikovb Interbion Foundation for Basic Biomedical Research, Gordola, Switzerland Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, USA Abstract Adult adipose mice, high fat diet-fed (HFD) mice, anterior...
A statement from Dr Walter Pierpaoli When I think of the “peptide swamp”, I wonder why should this tiny tripeptide called erroneously and misleadingly “thyrotropin-releasing hormone” (TRH) be classified as a “hormone”. Certainly his discoverer Roger Guillemin would...
(The evidence for a pineal-directed aging program, its control and clinical intervention) The many theories on the nature and origin of aging clearly show that we did not know what is aging and what it means. However, there cannot be many kinds of ‘physiologic’ aging,...
Dr. Pierpaoli is a famous medical professional within the antiaging fraternity because of his extensive published research in the fields of aging, cancer and immunity. He has tirelessly relayed this to other health professionals and researchers through his own;...
Previous work from our laboratory prompted us to study the effects of short-term, acute administration of TRH or its chronic oral administration, on organs, tissues and aging-related metabolic and hormonal markers, in order to acquire more knowledge on effects, dosage...