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The ‘one-trick-pony’ culture of conventional medicine severely limits treatment of ailments caused by aging
Recently, my 64-year-old sister invited me to dine at the Tanakas-of-Tokyo restaurant. I knew she needed some medical advice, and thus, she chose a relaxed and private setting where she could pepper me with questions about her latest ailments. After a happy exchange...
read moreSermorelin ─ a Superior Approach to Growth Hormone Restoration
Growth hormone (GH) replacement is at the top of the list of therapies for aging individuals wishing to preserve youthful vigor, physiology, and body composition. For many years, injectable GH, produced by recombinant DNA technology, was the primary medical...
read moreScientists announce breakthrough in regenerating the body
At an important meeting at the Endocrine Society’s 95th Annual Meeting in San Francisco (1), several senior scientists announced a significant breakthrough in antiaging research that dramatically impacts health, wellness, and regeneration of the body. First up on the...
read moreCreate Your Best Body for Aging
Which would you rather look like? Which looks healthier? Let's start with a bit of straight talking. Getting healthy and staying healthy takes work. You live in a body that was designed to work hard, yet you live in a world where strenuous work is discouraged....
read moreBoosting growth hormone without injections
Ed. - Eagle eyed readers may recall Dr. Walker’s other excellent articles regarding GHRPs and GHRH in issue 3, 2014 and issue 3, 2013 of the Aging Matters™ magazines, (note, they can be downloaded from the IAS website). In them he described how bolus injections...
read moreAn interview about sermorelin and GH with Dr. Richard Walker
Sermorelin is being heralded as the breakthrough for the delivery of growth hormone (GH). GH itself is a hormone that has been recognised for a long time as having significant effects as an anti-aging tool, ever since Dr. Daniel Rudman’s experiments in the 1980’s....
read moreA holistic approach to growth hormone therapy using sublingual sermorelin
Why Growth Hormone production is reduced during aging Progressive reduction in growth hormone (hGH) production and secretion beginning shortly after young adulthood is an early endocrine characteristic of aging in humans and animals. Over time lowering levels of this...
read moreHCG: A remarkable hormone for a thinner, firmer body
On a dark and wintry evening in far away Sweden, a former Parisian fashion model stumbled in the doorway of a fashionable hotel. The doorman repeatedly asked her several simple questions, but received no response. Lethargy and mental fog had descended upon her like a...
read moreSynergy – the story of GHRhs and GHRPs
Synergy - the story of GHRhs and GHRPs Richard Walker MD Background – age-associated hGH insufficiency It is well known that serum titers of human growth hormone (hGH) decline during aging and that replacement of the hormone opposes many maladaptive changes in the...
read moreGHRP performance (the role of growth hormone releasing peptides)
A lot of people reading this are I am sure, aware of the ‘power’ of growth hormone (GH); a hormone that is secreted by the pituitary gland (see figure 1). GH is popular by those interested in antiaging medicine, especially since Dr. Daniel Rudman’s landmark published...
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