Why our lifespan is limited to 115 years and how to get a better quality of life after age 40

In parts one and two, we established that our potential lifespans are determined by repair mechanisms that kick into effect during our mid-twenties. Subsequently, in part three, I will explain specific questions about the maximum human lifespan.

I am often asked how long we can reasonably expect to live if we avoid many of the problems of aging. I quickly answer that the Gerontology Research Group at UCLA has now determined that maximum human lifespan is statistically determined to be 115 years of age.  By statistically, I mean that humans can potentially live to be 115; however, there are a few ‘out-livers’ who have managed to live up to 122, but we do not count them statistically.*


You may well ask why age 115 was selected as a maximum lifespan. Researchers have determined that mortality accelerates from 113 to 115 years of age in which more than half of super-centenarians between the ages of 113 and 115 die every year. Apparently, during these two critical years, there is a natural falling-off-the-cliff that occurs. Seemingly, many of us have been programmed by a God or unknown biological forces to end our earthly existence at about 115 years of age.

How Do We Get to 115?

“Reaching 90 or 100 years of age depends upon strong adrenal and thyroid glands.”

Fortunately, after studying the problems of aging and publishing articles in leading scientific journals since 1978, I do understand a wide variety of the methods that increase our likelihood of reaching advanced old age in relatively good health. But before I take you there, however, allow me to explain what happens to humans during aging without antiaging intervention.

Traditionally, our best chance of living to a ripe-old advanced age in good health is dependent upon the hand-of-cards dealt genetically to us at birth. One key indicator is to have four grandparents who lived to their nineties. Four long-lived grandparents may perhaps provide us with genes essential for a long and prosperous life. Second, we will know if we have inherited a number of important longevity genes if we can establish the following in ourselves and in our immediate relatives:

  • When we reach age 50, and we are not overweight, arthritic, hypertensive, diabetic, or do not have memory loss. Ultrasound examination of major arteries reveals little or no plaques or occlusions. Note that half of all 50-year-olds have some cognitive decline, arterial plaques, and hunched backs (thoracic kyphosis). Declining hormones and peptides, especially HGH and IGF-1, are likely at fault.
  • When we reach age 60 and we do not require surgeries, nor do we need to consume an extensive list of medications. Our skin has not turned to crepe paper. Our arteries are not occluded. However, due to declining growth hormones, staying up past midnight becomes increasingly difficult.
  • When we reach age 70, and we can still raise ourselves from an armchair without using our arms for strength or support. Those unable to do this simple physical task are experiencing muscle wasting (sarcopenia) and are probably lacking dietary protein and anabolics such as DHEA, testosterone (Andro-Pro™), HGH/IGF-1, and in women only, estrogen (Esnatri™and progesterone). These untreated deficiencies eventually result in a rickety gait.
  • When reach age 80, and we are free from aggressive cancers. Note that the risk of acquiring aggressive cancer—not benign prostate cancer—decreases by about two-thirds after age 80. This I call an age-80 longevity dividend. Increased cancer risks may be caused by deficiencies in vitamin D3, progesterone, and by not eating enough cruciferous vegetables (DIM-Pro™).
  • When reach age 80 or 85, and we have not acquired Alzheimer’s or other neurological disorders such as Parkinson’s or ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Note that 45% of Americans aged 80 have Alzheimer’s, versus 30% of Swedes at age 85. These illnesses may result from deficiencies in sulphur amino acids (ACF228™) and essential repair hormones and peptides (HGH, IGF-1, Sermorelin, testosterone, etc.). These deficiencies are often evidenced by declining motor skills, speech deficiencies, memory loss, and slowness in thinking.
  • When reach age 90 or 100 and we can still think, walk, hear and see. Our bodies are kept adequately warm night and day due to sufficient amounts of metabolic-stimulating thyroid hormones (Armour®) and adrenal hormones (DHEA and hydrocortisone), essential maintenance hormones (HGH, Sermorelin+ GHRP-6) and peptides (IGF-1, vasopressin/ Vaso-Pro™), and oxytocin/ Oxy-Pro™).

Note that almost no one over 100 is taller than five feet, and most are female. Extreme height or lack thereof may have been caused by pituitary or growth hormone imbalances. I have personally examined centenarians, and many have smooth facial skin and are generally very short.

Upon autopsy, all centenarians have ‘TTR amyloidosis.’ This is a deterioration of brain neurons to a highly-oxidized brown substance called lipofuscin, and a loss of the three-dimensional structure of tau brain proteins.

We do not know the cause of these deteriorations, but they are likely an oxidative phenomenon since three-dimensional neuron structures are held together by weak disulfide bonds (symbol R1—S—S—R2) that break due to weak oxidation or free radical attack. To counter the on-going accumulation of lipofuscin and brain oxidation, I recommend Dr. Hertoghe’s method of identifying signs and symptoms, I have observed that nearly all centenarians have functioning adrenal and thyroid glands as evidenced by their 100-plus years on the planet. On the other hand, those seniors who do not live to 100 years of age often have sub-clinical malfunctioning adrenal and thyroid glands. Indeed, according to Dr. Hertoghe, thyroid deficiencies are responsible for increasing mortality by approximately 43% (1, 2)! Second, without hydrocortisone or other essential adrenal hormones, death occurs within 48 hours!** In other words, reaching 90 or 100 years of age depends upon strong adrenal and thyroid glands.

A new approach to prevent aging

“No pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars or sailed to an uncharted land or opened a new heaven to the human spirit.”  –Helen Keller

If we peruse the above list, we will see the logic of medical intervention into the aging process, especially if we are over five feet tall and have ourselves (or our relatives) experienced cancer, hypertension, arterial occlusions, diabetes, surgeries, hormone deficiencies, or memory loss. Second, if we need numerous prescription drugs, and the average 65-year-old takes between nine and 20 medications daily, we should be willing to explore another approach to our aging.

Stay 40 contains evidence-based research from prominent medical journals that I have accumulated since my first scientific publication in 1978. In the book, we discover that scientific knowledge is rapidly doubling every ten years or less. We also realize that science will shape our human destiny and daily lives in decades to come. Lastly, thanks to the power of biotechnology and recombinant DNA products such as HGH (human growth hormone), oxytocin, vasopressin, aldosterone (which improves hearing), Can-C™ eye-drops (which improve eyesight), and IGF-1, science is in the process of creating perfect bodies and extending our lifespans (3). If you doubt these revolutionary statements, please read the writings of physicist Dr. Michio Kaku, listed in reference three.

Dr. Kaku relates an enlightening history of the famous author and futurist Jules Verne. In 1863, Verne predicted with near perfect accuracy the American moon landing in 1969 and the future of Paris in 1960 with its glass skyscrapers, air conditioning, televisions, elevators, high-speed trains, gasoline-powered automobiles, fax machines, and something resembling the Internet. Dr. Kaku also describes drawings and predictions of Leonardo da Vinci that were technically feasible 400 years before their rediscovery in modern times.

More recently, in 1969, Dr. William F. House invented the cochlear (inner-ear) implant. Over a 27-year period, he faced stern opposition from doctors and scientists who said it would not work, or would not work very well, calling it a cruel hoax on people desperate to hear. Some advocates for the deaf even said “the device deprived its users of the dignity of their deafness.”

As exemplified by da Vinci, Verne, and House, the same possibilities of slowed aging and maintaining a youthful body exist today, but are denied by the narrow minded who perhaps think that slowed aging would deprive people of the dignity of old age! For those who do not think this way, I have solutions. I know leading scientists in antiaging medicine who have devised wonderful strategies for slowing or reversing the aging process. These eminent scientists are largely unknown to the general public or even to your general physician.

Case in point: Last December, I interviewed Professor Abraham Morgentaler of the Harvard School of Medicine. Professor Morgentaler and I became quite chummy, and he told me unequivocally that all older men with low testosterone would benefit from testosterone therapy—even those men with prostate cancer! His thinking was quite revolutionary and definitely not shared by the conventional, status-quo medical community. Please observe that Professor Morgentaler’s book, Testosterone for Life, is endorsed by the faculty of the Harvard School of Medicine, and thus, it must be accepted as a milestone in our quest to prevent aging.


Since the publication of this breakthrough book, testosterone therapy has quickly been becoming mainstream practice in the U.S. without complaint or backlash from the entrenched and ossified medical community and its repeated rejection of significant medical advances. Indeed, a year and a half after its publication, it has become so widely accepted as a remedy for aging in men (and women) that American televisions blast nightly ads for testosterone-corrective products for men.

I wholeheartedly support Professor Morgentaler’s research and conclusions. To this end, I also endorse cheaper and effective products for enhanced health such as Andro-Pro™, DIM-Pro™, DHEA, TRH, and Vigor-Pro™. These fine remedies will help to prevent many of the signs of aging as verified by Professor Morgentaler.

What else have I learned from the practice of antiaging medicine?

“He instilled in me a special ability to identify signs and symptoms of hormone and nutritional deficiencies, often without the help of blood and urine tests!”


A revolution is at hand. According to pharmacist Phil Micans, this revolution is equivalent to that initiated by Charles Darwin and his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species. This new revolution is not an armed rebellion, but instead, it is an application of the latest principals of antiaging medicine gleaned from esteemed medical professionals such as Professor Morgentaler of Harvard University.


A second esteemed professional is Dr. Thierry Hertoghe of the Hertoghe School of Medicine in Brussels, Belgium.  Dr. Hertoghe is a fourth-generation endocrinologist and a prominent leader of the antiaging movement. Dr. Hertoghe taught me many advanced techniques unknown to most physicians. He instilled in me a special ability to identify signs and symptoms of hormone and nutritional deficiencies, often without the help of blood and urine tests! Armed with his powerful techniques, I have helped countless patients who were sent home by their conventional doctors without being properly diagnosed.

Second, he gave me the observational tools that allowed me to identify hormone deficiencies in centenarians. From my study, I made the conclusion that nearly all centenarians have managed to live over 100 years of age as a result of sufficient thyroid (Armour®) and adrenal hormones (DHEA, aldosterone, hydrocortisone, etc.). As a consequence, I can now identify seniors and even younger people with hormone and/or nutrient deficiencies and suggest remedies for correction.

For example, I now know that ‘crow’s feet’ (periorbital rhytids) are caused by poor metabolism and lack of the adrenal hormone, aldosterone. I encourage everyone with crow’s feet to consume orally or rub into their skin aldosterone as well as CoQ10 to raise metabolism in the skin.


Lastly, the most significant therapy taught to me by Dr. Hertoghe is correction with essential repair hormones and peptides: (‘The Cocktail,’ as described in part two) for a complete, systemic renewal of the body’s damaged systems caused by aging.


Systemic repair by essential hormones, peptides, and nutrients

“…the HGH/IGF-1 cocktail is the easy way to obtain and keep a slim, youthful, and athletic body and brain without excessive dieting and exercise.”

As delineated in my articles and book, Stay 40, I supplement twice daily with ‘The Cocktail’ for on-going systemic repair of my body. For example, my eyesight improved to 20/20 after five years of using Can-C™ eye drops, and subsequently, I used The Cocktail for two years.

Second, with regard to hearing loss, I used aldosterone and fludrocortisone capsules twice daily for four years, and subsequently for two years, I used ‘The Cocktail.’ This cocktail has globally improved all systems in my body, especially declining eyesight, hearing, and muscles. Presently, while approaching 70 years of age, I can sprint up a hill with the strength and dexterity of a 35-year-old. My driving skills have been enhanced with the reaction time of a young person. Recently, I took a five-minute rest after running on a treadmill for ten minutes, and my blood pressure was 128 over 60 mm hg, much like one would expect from a healthy young person. I almost never become sick nor do I catch colds since my immune system has been enhanced with sufficient daily doses of ACF228™, vitamin D3, testosterone (Andro-Pro™ DIM-Pro™, DHEA, TRH, and Vigor-Pro™), and HGH combined with IGF-1.

Thus, I encourage everyone concerned with their aging to begin hormone and nutrient correction, especially using ‘The Cocktail’ in combination with supporting nutrients, vitamin D3, ACF228™, carnosine (Can-C™), and CoQ10 (ubiquinone or ubiquinol).

In my opinion, the HGH/IGF-1 cocktail is the easy way to obtain and keep a slim, youthful, and athletic body and brain without excessive dieting or exercise. Trust me!



A revolution is at hand in the field of antiaging medicine, and only a few knowledgeable practitioners have disclosed the science of slowed aging and how to live younger and happier lives.


  1. Hertoghe, Thierry. 2011 and 2012. A4M Conference, Las Vegas, NV.
  2. Hertoghe, Thierry. 2011. The Hormone Handbook, Vol. 2. Int. Med. Pub., Surrey, UK4.
  3. Kaku, Michio. 2011. The Physics of the Future: How Science Will Shape Human Destiny and Our Daily Lives by the Year 2100, Anchor Books, New York, NY.

* A French woman named Jeanne Louise Clément is documented to have lived to 122. As a young girl living in southern France, she sold art supplies to the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh.

** During the early 1950s, Senator John F. Kennedy received the last rites three times from his Catholic priest since he was not properly diagnosed or treated for Addison’s disease (poorly functioning adrenals with low hydrocortisone) until 1957. After treatment, his face and body filled out, and he ran for president in 1960.